This is how He sees You
How God sees us is completely different than how we see ourselves. Our view is clouded, our...
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Unseen Realms of Influence
Our world is greatly influenced by the unseen realm whether you believe it or not. Powers of...
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The One Thing That Lasts Forever
Life as we know it is changing. Our world is shaking, shifting, and adjusting. Compare your...
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Why We Must Unite as the Body of Christ
“I hear there are divisions among you…” (1 Corinthians 11:18) I have been hearing this over and...
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How to Survive 2020 and the years to come..
2020, we had such high hopes for you! What a wild last few months it has been!...
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The Fear of the Lord: humble awe or scary submission?
What does it mean to fear the Lord? Are we supposed to be afraid of Him? Does...
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Three Positions of Victory You have as a Believer
So many of us do not walk in our God-given authority, even though it has been made...
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Receiving Father God’s Love
Do you know that God is a Father? Do you believe that you are His beloved child?...
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LORD OF LORDS: Understanding the Lordship of Jesus Pt. 1
“Am I really Lord of your life?” I heard this question in my spirit a few weeks...
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Pass-Over: Remembering Jesus
It is that time of the year again: Passover and Resurrection season. Most Christians celebrate Jesus death...
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