This is how He sees You

How God sees us is completely different than how we see ourselves. Our view is clouded, our ability disjointed. We cannot comprehend the vision of the Creator without understanding His perception – love. Love doesn’t ignore what is wrong with us or those toxic, sinful traits we hold near and dear. No! His love points them out without shaming and hating. His love then proceeds to call out His original design within us – our destiny that is still a seed. God who is Love knows how to transform the human heart by speaking over us who He wants us to be.
You see brokenness, He sees strength. You see failure, He sees growth. You see bareness (cue Sarah), He sees fruitfulness. These God-qualities are not things YOU alone can create within yourself. No, you and I cannot do the healing work only provided by the Mastercraftsman. We are His workmanship and only He can give us the grace, wisdom, and power to overcome what is not within our ability to change.
Recently, I opened my Bible to Songs of Solomon chapter 7 and began to read. This book is a compilation of love letters between King Solomon and his bride. The pages bleed with desire, affection, romance, and adoration. The author begins to praise the body of his bride, how pleasing she is to him, and how his desire is only for her. This lavish love and delight in his bride are not because she has never failed him. Just a few chapters back she ignored his calls. She pushed him away, but he still loved her.
She realized the error of her ways and ran after her King. When she found him, he did not browbeat her. He praised her and affirmed his affection for her. His words over her were love and so are God’s! Like this bride, we have all missed it, failed God, and ignored His calls. Despite our failure, God wants us to come to Him, and allow His words to transform us. When we come to Him, He will not turn us away.
Maybe you’re thinking, “Okay, I hear you but my life is a wreck. I don’t know if God can change my heart or fix this mess I’ve made.” You may see darkness all over your life but God likes to work in the dark! That is how it all began: “The earth was without form, and void; and darkness was on the face of the deep..” (Genesis 1:2) Our world was chaotic, empty, and lifeless but something happened… “Then God said…” These words transformed the darkness into light. These words, His words, created our beautiful home out of nothing. Yes, there was a Big Bang, it was the sound of His voice turning black night into glorious day. His cadence hung the stars and colored the earth. If God can change empty galaxies into the breathtaking wonders they are today, what could He do with our yielded lives?
Let’s use Sarah from Genesis as an example. She was barren, void of a child but God called her fruitful. She received this word from God by faith though her body was dead and unable to produce a child. I mean c’mon! The lady was 99 but God’s spoken word brought to life what was dead in her. Here’s the catch: she could only receive it by faith, and thank God she did! Laughing at the thought of bearing children in her old age, she believed the Lord and became pregnant by her husband of 100.
Just like Sarah, we are all barren apart from the Word of God in our lives. We cannot produce a changed heart and a life filled with godly fruit apart from His word. When He spoke to Sarah, He gave her a promise and called her the opposite of what she was – fertile, fruitful. God is calling you what you are not because His Word creates that reality within you. So let me ask, what is dead in you? What parts of yourself do you see as hopeless and impossible to change or heal? God doesn’t see you that way. He is speaking LIFE. He is speaking FREEDOM. He is speaking LOVE. He only asks that you believe but first, you must hear what He is calling you!
Here are a few of the many things that God has called all those who place their faith in Jesus. You’ve got to let these Words transform you. If you don’t, you will never walk in who He says you are and you are,
- His very good creation – Genesis 1:31
- Beloved Child – 1 John 3:2
- Forgiven – Psalm 85:2
- Chosen by God – 1 Peter 2:9
- Special – 1 Peter 2:9
- Royal – 1 Peter 2:9
- Perfect – Hebrews 10:14
- Wonderfully made – Psalm 139:14
- Written on the palms of His hands – Isaiah 49:16
- More value than sparrows – Matthew 10:31
- Holy – Colossians 1:22
- Blameless – Colossians 1:22
- Gifted – Ephesians 4:8
- Betrothed to Christ – 2 Corinthians 11:2
- Complete – Colossians 2:9-10
- Right with God – Romans 5:1
- Healed – 1 Peter 2:24
- Cleansed – Ezekiel 36:25
- Flawless – Songs 4:7
Because He said it, that is enough. His Word echoes through eternity – we are His beloved creation. We are His sought-out bride. We are those redeemed by His blood. In Deuteronomy 7:6, He has called you His special treasure! This isn’t to be taken lightly. Let these words permeate you every day. Write them on your mirror. Place a sticky note in your car. The more you read the Word, speak the Word, and hear the Word, the more you will believe it and live it. You are who He says you are.
Romans 10:17 says, “Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God.” You will not receive faith till you hear His Word. Ask Holy Spirit to make His Word real to you every day as you read. Invite Him into your devotional time and expect to hear His voice while you read the Bible. Jesus is the Word made flesh. (John 1:1) We can enjoy Jesus and experience Him while reading His Word. In that space, we can experience and receive the love of our Bridegroom and soon coming King. Friends, you don’t have to find yourself. Jesus has already said who you are! So what are you waiting for? Open His Word and be transformed!