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The Year of Accountability

  1. Have you spent daily time with God in Bible reading and prayer? If not, how do you plan on doing this?
  1. What Biblical principles impacted your life from your quiet times this week? How are you applying what you have learned?
  1. Are you memorizing and reviewing Scripture memory verses consistently?
  1. Have you given 100% effort in your job and home responsibilities?
  1. How have you expressed encouragement, love, and praise to your spouse, kids, and others around you? If not, how will you?
  1. What have you done to enhance your relationship with your spouse?
  1. How have you been tempted and how did you respond?
  1. Have you had any flirtatious or lustful attitudes, tempting thoughts, or exposed yourself to any explicit materials? If so, what provisions need to be removed or precautions taken to prevent this from occurring again?
  1. Have you had any unwholesome talk, told any half-truths or outright lies, exaggerated?
  1. Have you made the most of every opportunity to share the gospel with unbelievers this week?
  1. What was your biggest joy this week and why was it your biggest joy?
  1. Have you allowed any person or circumstance to rob you of your joy?
  1. Is your conscience clear? If not, how do you plan on attaining a clear conscience?
  1. Have you offended anyone? If so, have you sought reconciliation, and how did you do so?
  1. Are you being a good steward of the finances with which God has entrusted you? Are you investing in worldly pleasures or in heavenly treasures?
  1. Are you exercising on a regular basis?
  2.  Are you practicing healthy eating habit

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